Listening to the Inner Voice



Can you hear the living undercurrent that comes from listening?

That carries us to a place of serene silence.

Beyond pounding thoughts,

the trying too hard beats,

 attached strings,

and bells that ring distractingly?

Listening without interruption or direction or even trying

You know-

simply listening without reason or expectation

At any moment, all moments.

Finding harmony through the daily noise.


4 responses to “Listening to the Inner Voice”

  1. I treasure my peaceful quiet moments. It is then I can truly say my prayers and listen to the voice of God and his angels.
    Thank you for your beautiful words and all of your postings.
    I enjoy them all so much.

  2. Ed Schnurbusch

    I can never find serene silence. I suffer from Tenitis with a never ending squeal in my right ear. It’s worse when I’m in a quiet setting.

  3. Beautiful, Corey. Thank you, friend.

  4. Recently I came across a short quote from the book by Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club.
    “I see you” Seeing you is listening with the heart.

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