What Role

What Role


My attention was drawn to a woman of a certain age

who walked elegantly past me wearing a pink wool coat and black patent pumps.


A few days ago, I read something that said,

"Be the main character of your life.".

That thought kept going around in my head.


It sounds simple enough, just be yourself,

but the more I thought about it, am I truly the best version of myself  at least

most of the time?


To be the main character,

not the underscore, nor a wash down verison.


To be like the woman of a certain age content in her own skin.











8 responses to “What Role”

  1. Love, love this!

  2. Susan in Zurich


  3. Jennifer Phillipps

    I should have thought you had nailed your persona very well from all the years of reading about how you live your life….but we keep evolving every day of every year….2022 will have much to show us all I am sure! Cheers from Jennie in NZ

  4. Beautiful posting.

  5. Certain age? I find that patronizing. We are all doing our best.

  6. To me, “Une femme d’un certain âge” implies that a woman has perhaps a degree of ‘maturity’,
    but in no way diminishes her femininity or allure…but that is just my spin on it.
    How lovely to see this stylish woman,comfortable in her own skin, and taking pride in her appearance.

  7. It’s easy to be the main character in your life if you conform to the accepted standards of that life. Try stepping out of the box. Now that? To be truly who you are, individually? THAT takes grit and courage.

  8. Yes! Good thought!

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