Apple Yum Rum Cake

apple bundt cake


We have friends who moved to Cassis a few years ago from the States. Their home is a stone's throw away. If I needed anything while I was in Cassis, I could lean out my window, give a holler, and Laurie-Annya could toss whatever I needed to me, that is, how close we live from each other. Though I am a terrible catch. Whenever we are in Cassis we see each other, and since we are there sporadically, Laurie-Annya and Ian have us over most of the time.

The other day Yann had a meeting in Cassis; he is involved with the port and the old boats that are docked there. The oldest boat in Cassis is called, "Antoinette", it dates back to the 1900s. Yann and Ian spent a great deal of time restoring it with the rest of the club members. As Yann went to the meeting, I popped over to Laurie-Annya's home.

Not surprisingly, mouth-watering goodness filled the air. Laurie-Annya made an apple rum with raisins bundt cake. I ate two large pieces, I could have eaten the entire cake, but I refrained, though I do not know how it was hot from the oven!


Below is the recipe. Instead of a round cake pan, a small iron bundt pan was used.

Also, Laurie-Annya added about half of a cup of my cognac-soaked raisins that I had given her the other day.

Recipe for Cognac of Brandy Soaked Raisins

In a bowl add

1 cup of raisins 

Cover with cognac

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/2 of a teaspoon of nutmeg

2 teaspoon of dried orange peel

let them soak for at least a day.



Recipe from KITCHN

The recipe for the Cognac-soaked raisins is from me.



6 responses to “Apple Yum Rum Cake”

  1. The cake sounds delicious and thanks for the recipe.
    Love Jeanne

  2. The world is divided into two groups: those who like raisins — and those of us who don’t. I’m sure I’d find the cake even more delish without them. 😈

  3. Diane Belforte Lewis

    Think I might have to try that one, it sounds delish

  4. How lovely to have such wonderful neighbors . Happy to hear Antoinette is so loved. She is a beauty and makes a grand appearance in my photos whilst in Cassis!💕

  5. I made this cake. It is delicious. Thank you for sharing!

  6. This sounds amazing!

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