All those little things that say something that words fail to, or actions deny.
All those little things that let us know that the moment is right,
that we are on to something good, that it is okay, that we will be alright.
The way the morning light reaches into our bed,
the way the hot water runs down our bodies in the shower,
the way the church bells ring just at a time when silence needs to be broken.
The way a strawberry tastes or a daffodil springs yellow into the darkness,
or the way a kite string plays in the wind against a cool blue sky.
The little things that speak a message out of nowhere that we want to hear.
The way written words, even those in nature's songs
connect us to the unheard story within our being:
How can I describe it?
How is it when the soul is stirred…
A song on the radio,
Several words strung together in a poem,
How the leaves dance even though tumbling down,
and the blossoms burst through the ground,
Oh, and the softness of shadows playing before us.
Nature's ballet.
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