Third Time Around


When I was a teenager I found box of baby girl clothes tucked away in the hallway closet. I asked my mother who they belong to but before she could respond I already knew the answer. Those baby clothes had been tucked away since I was a baby. As the oldest and only daughter my mother kept those clothes assuming her next baby might be a girl. But four boys later those clothes were forgotten.

When I came to France I brought my baby clothes with me. Chelsea wore them and now Olivia is wearing them too.



16 responses to “Third Time Around”

  1. How lovely

  2. Very sweet.

  3. Martina

    How sweet that three generations of beautiful baby girls have worn those clothes❤️

  4. Makes me smile.
    Love + hugs

  5. Precious. Sentimental value? Priceless.

  6. Mothers know best!

  7. Susan in Zurich

    Lovely ❤️

  8. Carolyn Sandulli

    I love that. Somehow you knew baby girls were in your future.

  9. Beautiful

  10. That is heartwarming!

  11. This is lovely, Corey!💕

  12. Teddee Grace

    Olivia has the cutest head! She looks like a doll and the dress looks as if it is holding up well.

  13. The best of recycling!

  14. Ella in Nice

    Chère Corey,
    How absolutely adorable and special; perhaps Olivia will also have a daughter or, granddaughter and will be able to wear this same sweet “robe”.
    It is interesting, I am late logging onto email; as you know I always enjoy your lovely blog. But, I also peeked at FB and a photo from years ago popped up of “Baby Ella” (my now 14 year-old granddaughter) who is wearing my dress (from a 1,000 years ago!) with the doll from my Grandmother Ella.
    Such precious memories and such strong reminders of how our love and loved ones continue to be a part of our lives.
    Bon dimanche
    PS, I’ll email you the photo 🙂
    Grandma Ella

  15. Shelley Noble

    How incredible!

  16. marilyn

    So very sweet!
    I had one dress that my mother saved and a picture of me in the dress. I love that I now have a picture on my wall of myself in that dress and then my daughter in the same dress. No grand daughter, but maybe some day a great grand.

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