French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites

French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites

serious situation 

brocante bugs are attacking

buyers are unaware. 


French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites


refreshments for those who have been bitten 

so that they might honor their new friend.



French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites


We met at a brocante over 25 years ago. 



French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites

Bitten badly




happiness is a side effect



French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites

so are wonder and awe


French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites

years of living with thé brocante bite

It still feels new and going strong.



7 responses to “French la Vie Brocante Bug Bites”

  1. Jen Heck

    Such a wonderful experience for all of you. Thanks so very much for sharing your experiences.merci!!

  2. Cynthia Thompson

    So much fun!! Happy hunting to you all. Blessings

  3. Wish I was there! 🙂 Have so much fun ladies. j-

  4. Me too — wish I was there! So much fun to see the pics and have a vicarious experience at least… thanks for sharing! Julie

  5. Texasfrancophile

    What a darling group of brocantettes!!!!!! So fun and yes so happy…..maybe if Yann offered fly fishing or flying his plane(i think I remember he has a plane) maybe i could convince my hubs to come for a visit. ENJOY every minute.

  6. Leslie in Oregon

    I have never been much of a shopper, even when I travelled the world as a Pan Am crew member, and now is not the time for me to accumulate anything. From this and past brocante posts, though, I suspect that I too would very much relish one of your French La Via brocante trips (whether the bug bit me or not)!

  7. marilyn

    How I wish, but my pocket book would be over-empty.
    How lovely to have long term friends that love the brocante.

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