The Never-Ending Story


This morning after nearly three weeks in bed or very close to it I felt a shift of energy and a spark that maybe this was finally the end of this lung infection. Yesterday, was the last day of two weeks of Treatment and antibiotics. 

I was cautious. Actually, lectured myself to take it slowly, “Okay, I could do three things, so list them…”

Yann, who went to a long awaited wedding this weekend of very dear friends of ours son, which had been postponed twice because of Covid. Called from downstairs, “Guess what?”

Yan tested positive for Covid. As did others from the wedding.

I sat on my bed.

Fingers crossed.

“Stay on the other side of the house. Wear at mask. Hope you do not feel to wretched.” I called back.

Well, this is a twist to the plot.

Stay tuned.


18 responses to “The Never-Ending Story”

  1. Oh dear!

  2. Doubling my prayers for the RB family.

  3. I feel like we are all being stalked…and eventually, we will all get covid.

  4. augh!
    This is such bad timing, luck, news. man.
    Well, the best I can do is send you all my spare positive vibes, heartfelt sympathies, and good old fashioned prayers. I believe in the prayers, so up they’ll go for you all.

  5. Yikes, o’ mighty!
    Thinking of you both, with love.

  6. Wendy L

    Oh, Corey, I’m so sorry. Sometimes life is so overwhelming. Today my son told me he, his wife and six-year-old daughter had all tested positive. They’ve all been vaccinated and have no other health issues, but it’s still hard for this mom. Already stressed with other matters and there is nothing I can do. Keep your chin up. I’m sending lots of good vibes your way.❤️

  7. Irene Thomas

    “Holy Cannoli,” as Klay Thompson of my beloved Warriors says. Blessings to you all, good health and happiness to you and yours, Corey.

  8. Shelley Noble

    Thanking God that you are healing, Corey. And much love to Yann for a quick recovery as well.

  9. Diogenes

    Oh Lordy, that’s wild. Hope you and Yann feel better soon. Masks and glasses are making a big rebound here in SoCal. Sigh.

  10. Prayers for you all
    Much love

  11. Jennifer Phillipps

    Oh Boy! When it rains it pours… two better be best friends on each side of the house and hopefully Yann does not get too sick so he is there if you need anything….we are in winter here in NZ so Covid is amping up with folk indoors and cold outside…so we have to watch out too….keep on recovering both of you! xx Jennie, NZ

  12. RebeccaNY

    oh MAN!!! I am in France right now and I notice that NO ONE is wearing masks. NO ONE. well, except us. I’m not sure why, but thanks for the reminder that it’s still very active here. Hope Yann’s symptoms are light and fast, and that you don’t get it too.


    Oh dear, so glad you are starting to feel a bit better. I hope that Yann doesn’t suffer too badly. Will be in touch re mirror collection xoxo

  14. Texasfrancophile

    Oh my we have it as well. Luckily we’re vaccinated and boosted. I’m on day 8 still testing positive. Nobody is wearing masks. What?????? Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

  15. Fat Rabbit

    Glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better – take care of yourself. And sorry that Yann has covid!
    My daughter had planned to visit with her family but now they all have covid – as the result of her husbands work travel. We have been apart for almost two years now.

  16. Oh dear… hope he has a mild time of it and that you do NOT get it. You do not need this now. Take good care.

  17. Oh Corey! I’m glad you are feeling better and hope you do not catch it! I also hope Yann recovers very quickly! It’s everywhere here! I wear a mask, but see very few others wearing one.

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