Lorca: Love Poem





"Ay, the pain it costs me
to love you as I love you!

For love of you, the air, it hurts,
and my heart,
and my hat, they hurt me.

Who would buy it from me,
this ribbon I am holding,
and this sadness of cotton, 
white, for making handkerchiefs with?

Ay, the pain it costs me
to love you as I love you!"

—Federico García Lorca


While watching “Call the Midwife” episode 2 of Season 6, Lorca's poem was quoted.

Call the Midwife is beautifully written If you haven't seen it add it to your list.



8 responses to “Lorca: Love Poem”

  1. Kathie B

    We’ve seen every episode of “Call The Midwife” at least twice, and recommend the series highly, especially for its nuanced look at a range of health and social issues. Plus, it’s downright enjoyable entertainment!

  2. Thank you for sharing this

  3. i cry at every episode-EVERY SINGLE ONE! you are right beautifully written produced and acted.

  4. Call the Midwife is a beautifully crafted series, full of heart and hope.

  5. Beautiful poem!

  6. It is a great series! My husband likes it as well.

  7. Sue Young

    It’s a beautifully done series full of love, life, hope, sadness, humor…. It has it all. Thanks for posting this beautiful poem and photo, Corey.

  8. Judi Ryba

    Cory you have a tv👏 Nah your watching it on your computer! I love Call the midwife. I am all caught up. I binge watch the entire season when it is on Netflix. Do you watch Virgin River? I love that series❤️

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