Many of you have written me to say that you are not receiving my blog. This means you won't see this post.
I do not know why this is happening,
I am trying to solve the problem.
Thank you for letting me know what you see or do not see.
x Corey


15 responses to “”

  1. Now I see it — although I still didn’t earlier this afternoon. Thanks for getting it fixed.

  2. Jennifer Phillipps

    I have not had any issues receiving it all the way over here in NZ…Cheers Jennie

  3. Ardis Bucy

    I have been receiving it daily in Southern California. That makes my day.
    Looking forward some more of your delicious recipes.

  4. Bonjour à tous,
    Thanks Corey I appreciate your daily musings and am one of the fortunate ones receiving your bog.
    Keep up the good work; we enjoy your joie de vivre!

  5. I see it now I was having difficulty yesterday with trying to get your blog to load
    It kept bringing up an error

  6. Still enjoying your blog in sunny(for the moment) Perth, Australia.

  7. Hurray, I can read you again.

  8. I am seeing it just fine!

  9. It’s working now. I think it may have been something to do with the feed from Europe. I also couldn’t access a blog from Norway. Glad you’re back (and so is Norway). Always love seeing your posts – the simple pleasures with an equal splash of family. Happy October!

  10. I haven’t had a problem. Hope you can figure out what the problem is. I’m sure it’s frustrating.

  11. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    Seeing everything all along in Illinois

  12. Fat Rabbit

    Corey – I can see and read this blog – if this is your blog. Actually this is the only way that I read your comments etc.
    Love this
    PS – This comes into my email inbox

  13. Irene Thomas

    I look forward to, and see this blog each day in California. Hope things get straightened out.


    Seen in sunny Burgundy 😀

  15. Karen Carson

    Please resubscribe me to your blog! thank you!

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