News in France

We have seen this throughout Provence. No gas, and long lines at the pumps when there is gas. But on the road there are cars a plenty.



Guess where most flowers are grown for export?

As ranked




In the USA California produces the most flowers.




Plastic reusable cards like a credit card are in use, and when the paper tickets are fazed out then the metro tickets will be plastic reusable cards. I

have my smart card, and a few paper tickets left too.




Did you know Michelin was a French brand?







3 responses to “News in France”

  1. The world is ever changing in so many ways
    The last 4 years have been a whirl wind of things to process for us all
    I pray for our world and all the people in it
    Love Jeanne

  2. Bonjour à tous,
    Yes, I understand that Michelin wanted to encourage travel to the acclaimed restaurants in France for which they wrote their guide. Guess tires were a way to do just that.
    Since there is nothing as constant as change, one must maintain a balance between the best of the past and the positive of the future without letting the stress cause us to end up looking like the Michelin man 🙂
    Bonne fin de semaine,

  3. Thanks for these updates, Corey. Makes me feel so worldly! Myra

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