A Dabbler and Scribbler


love for you


Thank you for your messages. They humble me. 

My blog is an assortment of whatever is rattling around me; often, it is a message to myself to be a better person.

If it brings you something positive, then that is a bonus.

I am not a Jack-of-all-trade and certainly a master of none. 

I dabble and scribble.

Your kind comments affirm that it is okay.







7 responses to “A Dabbler and Scribbler”

  1. Beautiful roses!

  2. Susan in Zurich

    Keep on paying attention!
    And scribbling 😍

  3. Thank you for your blog postings.
    I enjoy reading them every day.
    Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit
    May it bless us all well
    Love Jeanne

  4. Cynthia Thompson

    Thank you always for your words and thoughts. As it often is, we never know how our words or actions can help, heal, and give hope to someone. Your blog often does. Blessings

  5. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    Dear Corey, I know you are a gatherer of artifacts of a certain age and have a beautiful way with words.
    The following I feel will resonate with you.
    Gathering by Nina Bagley
    We are gatherers,
    the ones who pick up sticks and stones and old wasp’s nests fallen by the door of the barn,
    walnuts with holes that look like eyes of owls,
    bits of shells not whole but lovely in their brokenness.
    We are the ones who bring home empty eggs of birds and place them on a small glass shelf to keep for what? How long?
    It matters not. What matters is the gathering, the pockets filled with remnants of a day evaporated, the traces of certain memory, a lingering smell, a smile that came with the shell.

  6. Fat Rabbit

    Corey – Your readers appreciate your honesty and life reflections. Each one of us can appreciate how your thoughts and comments reflect and affect our own lives.
    Thank you
    PS – Hope that you continue to feel better

  7. Helene Daniels

    For so many years I have been reading your blog and every time I return to it I find thoughts and comments that fill my heart with happiness. Thank you Corey for being such an inspiration..

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