Take a bowl, mash a banana in, Oats uncooked, let the mixture begin, Add an egg, a spoon of yogurt, heaping, And cinnamon, salt, to make it worth keeping.
For a pop of flavor, don't be shy, Ginger, orange peel, coconut to try, And just a touch of nutmeg zest, To make it pop-a-lious, be our guest.
Heat a pan, let butter melt and swirl, Pour in the mix and let it unfurl, Five minutes on one side, let it cook, Then scramble it up, no need to look.
Serve with fresh fruit, a perfect fit, Strawberries, blueberries, enjoy every bit, Or savor it plain, it's all up to us,
Scrambled oats, a breakfast must.
One mashed banana
3/4 a cup oats
1 tablespoon of yogurt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon butter for the pan, and a pinch of salt.
Mashed banana, egg, and yogurt in a bowl until smooth,
Spread it out evenly in a buttered skillet, over low heat let it cook for five minutes,
Flip it over let it be for a minute then scramble like an egg.
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