

Today Chelsea sent me this photo of Olivia.

I could gobble her up in one bite without adding any sugar.

Chelsea says Olivia constantly says "Mamon' for Mommy and "B-iel" for Gabriel.

She has yet to master my name and has said, "Daddy" either. It will come.




13 responses to “Olivia”

  1. marilyn

    so sweet~

  2. What a darling picture! I always see Sacha in her!❤️

  3. Beautiful children and postings
    Love you

  4. Annafromindiana

    Angel baby, Olivia —- so darling!

  5. Judy Wilcox

    She is beautiful! I see a resemblance to you. I love her name for her brother.

  6. Bonnie Schulte

    Oh Cory, what a beautiful photo of a beautiful granddaughter. Yep, you are correct, no sugar needed to gobble such sweetness up.

  7. Oh, Baby Olivia! You are one of a kind. Beautiful.

  8. Teddee Grace

    That mouth! Those eyes! How do you stand it? I can see why you just want to gobble her up.

  9. Andrea Hames


  10. Chico Sue

    Those cheeks, those lips….the face of an angel! Chico Sue

  11. Barbara St. Aubrey

    Oh so beautiful she seems a painting and those eyes, her eyes look like she can see the past and future in all its depth.

  12. i think she looks like Sacha. So pretty!-sacha -handsome-both gorgeous!

  13. Chelsea has captured a beautiful moment here. We can see Olivia learning to move her mouth to speak French. Corey, I remember you once shared with us that Chelsea told you that you couldn’t speak French words correctly because your lips didn’t work right. Ha! There is likely some native truth to that.

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