Bedsheet Carrying Dreams

My husband's great-grandmother handcrafted the linen sheet on our bed, now worn soft with time.

The top part of the sheet has intricate lace added to it, a testament to her countless hours of handiwork.

Through the lace, I saw the moonlight casting its ethereal glow upon our bed.

I paused, wondering, in the depths of her dreams, my husband's great-grandmother ever fathomed that her

creation would one day envelop her great-grandson's wife, evoking thoughts of her presence. 

With a knowing smile, did she envision her great-grandchildren
and then Olivia and Gabriel cradled peacefully under her beautiful bedlinen?




The linen sheet guards sacred moments.

Harboring sweet secrets, veiling fears, and tenderly protecting as a shield

The moonlight bathes our bedroom, gently unveiling the sheet as if drawing back a curtain.

The nights seldom bring a chill; together, we slumber.


9 responses to “Bedsheet Carrying Dreams”

  1. how beautiful
    much love

  2. marilyn

    What an amazing treasure!

  3. Diane Belforte Lewis

    so lovely

  4. Beautifully expressed, Corey…💕

  5. Beautiful reflection.

  6. Paula Tyner Hayden

    Oh my! So beautiful.

  7. Teddee Grace

    The lace is gorgeous. You must need to wash these by hand. So how old are they?

  8. Your writing has a way of capturing thoughts into words. Moving and relatable. Thank you.

  9. Colleen

    Poetic Romance 💞

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