My Afternoon Date




We walked hand in hand

to the ice cream shop.

After that treat we around the corner to the park. 
A band was playing so we stopped and listened.




If ever you want an authentic view of Paris, go to this park on a Sunday afternoon or any day after 4:30.

Park Villmin


For a delicious original bit to eat breakfast, brunch, lunch, drinks, or dinner… outdoor dining too.

Cafe A


Fav handmade ice cream La Fabrique a Gateaux et a Glaces

A neighborhood ice cream shop with classic and original flavors.

Along this street and the surrounding blocks is the Canal Saint Martin. 

Shops, restaurants, small hang outs, very local flair.

Boheme style of Paris.






7 responses to “My Afternoon Date”

  1. what a wonderful day and your date is fabulous

  2. What a little darling

  3. A most perfect day and date!

  4. Love your sweet little date! Lucky you.

  5. Shelley Noble

    So like Chelsea, Mr. Espresso, and Yann! The family lines visible and never more adorable!

  6. Teddee Grace

    So cute. I love the outfit.

  7. What a special companion on your exploration.

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