Month: September 2023
Here We Go Again
The French la Vie guests arrive Tuesday. So many new places to add to our antiquing escapades! I cannot wait to show my guests, and you. Time Some days are unhurried Other days disappear in a few hours, yet…
Next Week, The French la Vie
Next, a week of antiquing and a one-of-a-kind experience begins as I invite my guests to a world where history and artistry intertwine. I hope you will tag along as the French la Vie delves into the colorful…
And before I fall asleep at night, you should probably know that you're my final and favorite thought. via Samira Vivette
New Way of Collecting
Oh no. Not another chair and stool. Walk on by, Keep going. And I did. Taking a photo is my new way of collecting.
Common Art History
Rolling past my feet was a ball on the run. Picking it up, I saw that someone had taken fabric remnants a very long time ago, torn them into strips, then tied them together end to end…
Poem and Photo by Emory Hall
Poem and Photo by Emory Hall from her new book.