Living the Story that is Ours




"We must live with the story we have." 

A group of friends were talking about something that had happened that was difficult to understand and hard to accept. Some of us were baffled, others angry, and a few tried to see the bright side. At last, someone said, "We must live with the story we have." His words struck me as wise and faithful. I do not know how to explain it except to say it sounded like,

"Do the best you can and let it take its course."






At this point, or this chapter in the story, it is like trying to see the sun behind the clouds. 

Oh, those clouds do get in the way. Lack of harmony annoys me, like a pebble in one's shoe or a fly buzzing around the house, annoying. I want to take the pebble out and throw it at the buzzing fly. But what would that serve other than me? And it would not serve in the way of harmony. 




image from


Reflection on a bronze urn.

Everything was speaking, symbolically of healing, letting go, trust…

Follow the light that leads, and focus on the golden reflection.

How do you deal with a difficult situation?

My mother would say, pray.

Yann would say, focus on the right thing to do.

I usually cry, followed by having to talk, and talk, and then I am able to pray and see the light-

And, I feel the feeling; in other words, Live with the story emotionally.

Yes, we must live with the story that is ours.


8 responses to “Living the Story that is Ours”

  1. I’m so sorry for the bad news you have received. Some, like you and me, tend to weep — while Farmboy Husband is stoic and focused, like Yann. Please take good care of one another, and of yourselves. Abraços de amizade.

  2. As adults, disharmony arrives frequently like waves from the shore. You must dodge the waves and move your towel, but still enjoy being part of the beach. No one gets to have only good things happen.
    “We must live with the story we have” is very much like “You must bloom where planted.”
    Thinking of you.

  3. Shelley Noble

    Amen, Corey

  4. Barbara St. Aubrey

    I’m sorry you are experiencing pain and it sounds like loss if only the loss of your image of how things ‘should’ or ‘could’ be…
    Two helps have emerged for me – one I realize as we age and as the society changes there is loss and so realizing and working Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ 5 Stages of Grief has become a weekly if not more often exercise.
    My second is re-reading one of the many bookmarked pages in St. John of the Cross’ “Ascent on Mount Carmel”, or his “Dark Night of the Soul” or and seems to be more and more what I’ve turned to during these chaotic times, “The Living Flame of Love”. Eventually it usually comes down to my wanting circumstances to satisfy my need to feel secure by how I think things should happen rather than remembering hope is in the unknown with faith to trust what will be will actually end up being what we need rather than what we think we need.
    And yes, lots of tears feeling confused, cheated or betrayed before I even remember turning to these two helping techniques.

  5. My prayers and love are being sent to you at this time.
    As we age it seems many challenges are presented before us
    I always pray and thank God for my many blessings daily which seems to help me cope.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Annafromindiana

    Beautiful and wise words from you, dear Corey — and your responding readers. I thank all of you for your heart and wisdom.

  7. Thank you as always, Corey, for your wise words. Yes, we must live with the story we have the best we can, pray and trust. I am grateful for the beauty and loving people in my life.
    We must also allow others to live their story without trying to fix it or make it better/easier for them. Sometimes, that is the hardest especially when grief and age cloud life for those we love. We can only love them, trust and support them the best we can.

  8. My mother also would say “pray about it” and I was get so angry.
    I wanted actions, to do something.
    My husband tries to analyze and it drives me nuts.
    I get quiet and have to think about it awhile, then hopefully action – though the action may only be prayer or write.

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