Full Cup of Tea

cut of tea friend

The last cup of tea before I go

Slow sips savored

Steam wisps weaving the days to tomorrow. 

While tea leaves float, telling a story yet to be said.


Photo by my dear friend Erika, who visited me at my mother's house.

Tea: Rooibos Rouge d’ Automne


9 responses to “Full Cup of Tea”

  1. Safe travels home it has been a wonderful visit for you all
    Love Jeanne

  2. Boa viagem!

  3. That’s the tea drunk by the No. 1 Lady Detective at her Detective Agency in Botswana! Are you familiar with that series (fiction) by Alexander McCall Smith? Lovely series enjoyed all around the world. 😉

  4. Cynthia Thompson

    Thank you Corey for the lovely updates of your visit. They have really warmed my heart and reminded me of when we traveled home from our military duty stations. It was always so sweet and filled with wonderful memories that I cling to now. Blessings

  5. Susan in Zurich

    Prayers for a safe journey, an easy time.
    It goes by so quickly, what a marvelous visit you’ve had.

  6. It’s always hard to say “goodbye”. Savor the memories you’ve made during this visit with the children and your family.

  7. Beautiful. Safe and gentle travels, dear friend.
    I know your heart is full after your lovely visit with family and friends.💕

  8. Jennifer Phillipps

    I did not realise you were a tea fan, love the cups and the teapot. You seem to have had a lovely family gathering and each time it must be a wrench to leave your Mom behind and all your extended family. Safe travels….Jennie, NZ

  9. Beautiful picture of friendship joined together.

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