Until Next Time

source unknown

The source of the above photo and text is unknown.


corey amaro

Connecting dot to dot, I go

Up here over the bridge

Life seems small, delicate, never-ending 

Though it is not

My forever story

 saying goodbye and hello has such a pull

Bittersweet gratefulness.

Happy tears and heartfelt goodness






5 responses to “Until Next Time”

  1. Hope you’re getting to rest up from that brutal east-bound red-eye jetlag.

  2. Your words are deeply touching
    Much love

  3. Annafromindiana

    Such a beautiful and thoughtful response to what is in your heart. Gives one pause to reflect —-thank you!

  4. Two homes — a joy to arrive at each one and heart wrenching to leave each one.

  5. Goodbyes are often joined by tears.
    Take care dear one.

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