A View From the Plane


Flying into Paris the countryside showed off its nature patchwork.

I pulled my back while letting my suitcase, so the flight back home was painful.

The healing wonders my grandchildren’s greetings, and of a bed.


9 responses to “A View From the Plane”

  1. Susan in Zurich

    I’m so sorry about your back, Corey!
    Glad you are home in France, prayers for daily improvement.
    The photo from plane is lovely.

  2. Cynthia Thompson

    Feel better Corey. Glad you are home safe and sound. Blessings

  3. I hope you rest up and your back heals soon
    Much love

  4. Teddee Grace

    I know you must be so happy to be home, but sad at the same time to have to leave your California family. Hope your back heals quickly.

  5. Sending healing energy to you, Corey. Sorry about your back.
    So happy you had the opportunity for treasured time and memory making with your family in California.
    Welcome home.

  6. Hope your back heals quickly and completely.
    I too love to snap photos out the plane window!

  7. Hoping your back heals soon.
    Sending a hug, m

  8. Annafromindiana

    Grandchildren are the best medicine —-hoping you’re back recovers and heals quickly.

  9. Annafromindiana

    Grandchildren are the best medicine —-hoping you’re back recovers and heals quickly.

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