Month: January 2024
Darkness in Light
There could be darkness in light. Shadows are created when light passes through the leaves of a tree. The tree's roots expand due to light penetrating through the soil. And light is carried upward as nourishment, Light enters even…
My Mom How She Stays Fit
A reader asked me how my mom stays so young and stylish. I asked my mom, who is 88 years old, what was her secret, and she said, "I eat candy, a lot of it everyday. I only wear…
Those French Cookies
My niece Maci and I are making macaroons. The first attempt at making them was a sweet, delicious challenge. The macaroons were not perfect, though the French lemon butter cream was worth the pounds gained. We are trying again this…
Loads of Family Photos
My nieces Maci and Kate with my mom. Sacha saying goodbye before he returned to Seattle. Yann entertaining Olivia who caught chickenpox. Sacha holding a baby cousin and Olivia waiting her turn to hold the baby…
Thankful Enough
I am thankful I have enough More than enough Am I thankful enough? Is it enough to just be thankful? In a world divided by borders and boundaries, it feels more and more unjust to know how fortunate…