2nd Day Tiny Things Giveaway

little things at the brocantes


The tiniest treasure that can fit in your pocket.

Antiques come in various sizes.

When in the antique business, looking for smalls takes more patience —

To be successful, you need to buy full boxes,

and finding such types of boxes takes time, especially if you are curating towards a particular style.

Finding a table

Finding a chair

Finding a mirror

You can spot big pieces from a distance and sum them up enough to decide whether or not to investigate further.

But, finding smalls takes you to another level, usually to a box on the ground that you must dig through.

So today, in honor of those who dig for gold, who persevere, for those who are doubtful in their efforts—- 

I am giving away a few tiny old things to put in your pocket to remind you to keep striving forward.

Let me know if you are interested in the random draw by commenting on my blog or emailing.

I will announce the recipients for a deckled page book on Monday and the other little gifts I post.


23 responses to “2nd Day Tiny Things Giveaway”

  1. cheryl liberty

    i have only american antiques but love all things french! my dream is to one day come on one of you trips!(that little sweet olivia looks just like yann in the previous pic!)

  2. Oh Corey, LOVE this idea too. I’m partial to the saint medals-don’t know why, but there it is. Tiny treasures are the best.

  3. Kathy Woods

    Would love to win one of these. Kathy

  4. Gail Lannum

    Love the dice!! I could make some cool jewelry pieces with some of those.

  5. Lila Bright

    I have in recent years been drawn to smaller treasures.. they make such wonderful conversation starters and very little room required. Very lovely Corey! Thank you for your generosity.. ❤️

  6. Smalls are such fun surprises. They make wonderful presents and everyone can feel joy. I would be delighted with a button.

  7. I’ve been a follower for years and got to meet you in Aix 8 years ago. We shopped for half a day and had lunch together. Such a fond memory of France! I’d love to have a tiny treasure.

  8. Oh, yes please!
    The dice, why, why not….
    Ali x

  9. Cynthia Thompson

    What a wonderful idea! The comfort of having something special with you at all times is perfect….especially if you are shy….I always have one of my grandmothers hankies with me. Blessings

  10. Ray Ramirez

    Small treasures are the best!💕

  11. I love the dice. Isn’t life a crapshoot anyway?

  12. How generous! I would love any little piece of the past that came my way😀

  13. I’m always drawn to the “smalls counter” whenever I’m in a shop. The big pieces take up room and are sometimes difficult to transport, but there’s always room for more smalls!!! Thank you!!!

  14. Oh how I would love a small cross or something to put in my i.d. when I am called out!

  15. What a lovely idea. I love having some small”unexpected piece” tucked in among other items. I look for small hearts and crosses to give to friends who are ill. They can tuck it in a pocket or put it on the bedside table and when they touch it or see it, they know they are loved and being prayed for. I am also a paper hound.
    Thank you for your generosity in sharing your treasures with others.

  16. Please include me in your drawing. EVERYTHING you have is a treasure. ANYTHING would be dearly loved.
    Jennie in San Francisco

  17. You are so sweet to offer a piece of France to your readers.

  18. Small things are my favourite – they can be tucked into all sorts of spots to catch the eye, or as a surprise when you next open a box. My favourite small items aI have collected from travel are some vintage fèves from a flea market, and a few crystals from a chandelier which hang on our Christmas tree every year ( some from Canada in the 80s and some from Scotland a few years ago.) And vintage buttons, wherever I go…

  19. I am especially attracted to the small picture/painting shown in your photo collage. Any small drawing, painting, postcard, even a fragment or something left unfinished would be treasured… you have an excellent eye for finding these small bits of loveliness.

  20. Ginny Clarke

    May the “eager beavers” triumph!

  21. Teddee Grace

    I love “smalls.” I nestle them on trays where visitors can look through them…and having something French and from you would be such a thrill!

  22. Robin Tharp

    Corey I would love to be included in your drawing for “small treasures!” Sometimes I find that th smallest things in life bring the greatest joy! And these “treasures” often appear in the most unexpected places❤️

  23. Corey sadly I missed this but if ever you have a tiny treasure give away again
    I would love a teeny tiny envelope with a teeny tiny pressed flower from your garden .
    I want to add this to my doll house collection – oh and just write corey Amaro on the envelope !
    This will be such a treat for me 🙂
    Enjoy your giveaway with your dedicated readers

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