Help Save a Gazan Family


Mohammed lives in Gaza with his wife and 10-month-old baby Karim. When Israel declared Northern Gaza was unsafe for civilians and that an imminent attack would take place, the family discussed what to do: Either abandon everything and head to the south with only that which they could carry or stay in their home. Mohammed's mother thought their family should stay together, "…if we die, we will die together." Mohammed, his wife, and baby Karim decided to head south. It was difficult to endure checkpoints under military threat, but they made it to the South. Their home in Northern Gaza was bombed and demolished, where his mother, sister, and brother were killed. Their bodies were recovered from the rubble. Also, his father was injured, and another brother is waiting for lifesaving surgery.


gaza family

The photo above is Mohammed, a journalist,

and his mother before the devastation of their lives.

Can you imagine leaving everyone, your home, your comfort, your belongings, and heading to an unknown future? 


Gaza Family

Mohammed and his wife.



Help Save a Gazan Family

Baby Karim


A few days ago, Mohammed called to thank me.

I said he did not need to thank me; I needed to thank him for allowing us to help. I was humbled by his calmness, his responses to my many questions, his strong faith, and his will not to succumb to anger or bitterness. We talked about life in Gaza before October 7th and to the present date.

Do you have any questions?



Gaza Family

Mohammed with his brother, who was killed. 


The goal of reaching 20,000 dollars is close!! We only have 800 dollars more to collect for Mohammed, his wife, and his baby to evacuate Gaza to Egypt. If you have not donated to GO FUND ME, please do. Every dollar helps us reach our goal. If you donate 50 dollars, you will be entered into a raffle to win one week's free stay in our apartment in Paris. If you donate 100 dollars, you will have three chances to participate in the raffle.
No matter how much you donate, I will be grateful.
Thank you to those of you who have donated already.
GO FUND ME, Help A Gaza family to safety.




2 responses to “Help Save a Gazan Family”

  1. Blessings and prayers and thank you Corey and everyone who is assisting to get them out safely
    Heartbreaking story

  2. Thank you for your humanity, Corey, and
    for reminding us of ours☮️

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