What Encourages You?


One of my favorite trees. Those roots go forth, strong, determine, willing, seeking, supporting… they remind me of friends and family that help me to grow and become.

This tree stands tall along the path that I walk. Many have carved their initials on its trunk leaving scars without giving any thought, to its beauty or being.

and yet it rises with such a lovely crown of leaves.

What encourages you to go beyond yourself to the service of others?




5 responses to “What Encourages You?”

  1. My family, friends and my faith and spring
    It gives us new hope and new beginnings

  2. Farmboy Husband.
    And just waking up and knowing I have another day.

  3. Diogenes

    That tree is so deserving of love and admiration.

  4. My faith is the rock that encourages me.

  5. What an amazing tree!
    Trees give and give so much to us.
    Thanks for noticing and sharing this one.

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