When we repeatedly ask ‘why,’ we can delve deeper into a question. If we continue to ask, we can eventually get to the root of the issue and, from there, understand the source and the truth or be in awe of the mystery.
As a child, Sacha, like other curious children, would ask ‘why’ about almost everything. He wouldn’t be satisfied with just one answer and would continue to ask more questions that began and ended with “Why?”. I found it fascinating how he searched for something he had no idea of but had to know more.
In child psychology, if a child asks a direct question, it indicates they are ready for a direct answer. Sacha’s constant whys led to deeper questions, which often went straight to the Big Bang, as he was insatiably curious. I wish I could recall a conversation, though I do remember our constant chatter that continues today. No subject is taboo, irreverent, or meaningless.
Never stop asking, seeking, understanding, reflecting, being curious…
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