Olivia loves to dance and listen to music. Today, wanting Olivia’s reaction I came downstairs wearing my favorite twirling dancing skirt. Olivia was instantly awestruck, and wanted to wear it to twirl too. Of course, my skirt was too big so we did what we could by adding a belt and rolling it up. She was pleased, but the skirt was cumbersome, so I had a better idea.

Recently, I bought a bunch of old ties at the fleamarket, plus some old ribbons and silk flowers. I had planned to use them for something else but that changed when the idea came to mind to create a twirling skirt. Since we were dancing, I didn’t want to stop to sew. The mood was glorious, and sewing would have set our dancing feet still.

I started tieing the ties and ribbons to her waist while Olivia dictated where to pin the flowers.
We added a scarf that my friend Ching gave me, and in a flash a mix-match, wacky, twirling skirt was created. Olivia danced the rainy day away. We even gave a little performance after dinner.

Magic strikes with little effort. If I had bought colorful ribbons, calculated the details, spent an afternoon creating a charming design she would not have been happier. Sometimes our perfect ideas or best left aside and just go with the flow instead.
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