Uncle Sacha Shows Gabriel the Family Drug

They rode into the dark.

Sacha’s fifteen year old self was jealous. How he dreamed of having such a track rather than the 30 minute drive we often took to get to the nearest one. Sacha’s 33 year old self was loving it and sharing it with his five year old nephew was the icing on the cake.

Thanks to our town for building this fantastic Pumptrack. Today was the opening day.


6 responses to “Uncle Sacha Shows Gabriel the Family Drug”

  1. Is there a cooler uncle than Sasha? Gabriel thinks not.

    1. Gabriel has three cool uncles. I am bias though. You are RIGHT!

  2. Gina Lanman

    This makes me so happy! The boys sharing their adventures “boybonding”

    1. It certainly does. Generational joy!

  3. Judy Busch

    I don’t know….Hailey and Nolan think Uncle Aaron is pretty cool.😉

  4. Teddee Grace

    The look on Gabriel’s face! He’s taking in every word. I can relate. When I was growing up I would always sit in the kitchen with my Dad and his visiting brothers and listen to them talk. It was much more interesting and exciting than what my mother, sister and aunts were talking about in the living room.

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