Month: January 2025
Be Brave
We don’t have to have all the answers right now. We have to be brave enough to keep going, pick up the pieces, and see how they fit together. Life isn’t perfect, and it’s certainly is unfair. The challenge is we…
Winter Daily Walk
« Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. « Rabindranath Tagore « Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed……
Stepping Outside
The avenues in my daily life- French culture swallows me whole, deliciously
A Flower is Not Flower
A flower is not a flower. It is made only of non-flower elements – sunshine, clouds, time, space, earth, minerals, gardeners, and so on. A true flower contains the whole universe. If we return any one of these non-flower elements…
A Thing that is Beautiful
“Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for years. And for this reason, some old things are lovely warm still with the life of…
Should I Share More Recipes?
My scrapbook cookbook began when I first arrived in France 37 years ago. I bought a thick paperback school notebook and carried it with me everywhere, jotting down notes about French cooking, as well as recipes from family, friends, and…