Olivia loves to pretend she’s Clara from The Nutcracker. Her favorite part of the ballet? Surprisingly, it’s not the Sugar Plum Fairies but the battle scene with the « mousies. » She especially loves the moment when Clara throws her slipper at the multi-headed Mouse King to save her Nutcracker.

Each morning, Olivia barely has her eyes open, but she still manages to whisper, “I want to dance.” The second she gets home from school, she rushes to change into something that swirls, along with her sparkly shoes. Then wants me to put on the Nutcracker, and we dance.

After dinner, Olivia puts on a “Spectacular” for us, no matter who’s around. She must perform—even if we have guests—always pretending to be Clara, longing for her Nutcracker, and her sparkly twirly clothes.
I am loving every waking moment with my Clare and Nutcracker (Gabriel is her biggest fan, he dances when only Clare and I are there.) The best gift is having them living here while their home is being renovated xxxx
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