Gaza: May This be the Beautiful Lasting Chapter

text photos via HumantiProject

Text photos via HumantiProject


3 responses to “Gaza: May This be the Beautiful Lasting Chapter”

  1. Ella DYER

    Doigts croisés ; from the leaders’ lips to everyone’s ears!

    The karma of the U$ remains in the abyss in which it began (genocide of the Native Americans, building the country on slavery, then fostering wars worldwide because death is the primary economic engine of this nation).

    May the women of the world and América, grow in their determination to make peace last and to heal the karma of the U$, a country which I choose to never live in again.

    1. We must create a path of freedom for all xxx

  2. We pray for the ordinary people involved in this war. May they soon know peace in their hearts, peace from the anguish of losing loved ones & their homes. How on earth do the rebuild Gaza? Please God be with them, because with you everything is possible. 🙏

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