Gabriel and the Word Embarrassed

Gabriel (5) asked Chelsea, his mom, what the word “embarrassed” meant.

Chelsea gave examples that she knew Gabriel would understand, such as going to pick him up at school with her slippers on, or standing in front of the school and her pants falling off. Chelsea explained the descriptive word as a funny story.

Gabriel listened intently then caressed his mom arm and explained, that her telling him about the word made him feel sorry and sad for her with that he hugged her.

Embarrassed means feeling sorry for someone who  is dressed embarrassingly.


11 responses to “Gabriel and the Word Embarrassed”

  1. Adorable!

  2. Sweet boy…💕

  3. how lovely are your postings
    Thank you

  4. What a sweet and tender heart Gabriel has!

  5. Teddee Grace


  6. He is the sweetest little boy, so adorable…

  7. bonnnie F

    I find it interesting that the word embarrassing would be understood by a French child in the context of a clothing mistake. So French – oui. I think in America, it might be saying something that is socially wrong. Nevertheless , a darling story and a even more darling young boy

    1. Never thought of it like that. I think Chelsea just came up with those ideas.

  8. Annafromindiana

    Lovely, sweet and tender-hearted Gabriel! What our world so desperately needs.

    1. He is a sweetheart x

  9. What a sweet, loving child.

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