A Thing that is Beautiful

“Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for years. And for this reason, some old things are lovely warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them” -D.H.Lawrence

A friend sent me the quote above so I wanted to add it here in full excerpt from D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rainbow”

“A thing that is beautiful, a thing that is alive, is a thing that has a life of its own, that has been made with love, and that keeps its life for ever. A thing that is beautiful and has life, is full of human warmth. That warmth is part of its beauty. Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into, are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for years. And for this reason, some old things are lovely, warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them.”

“It is not that they are more beautiful than new things. They are just more lovely, warmer than new things. They are things that live, they are things that have a soul.”


6 responses to “A Thing that is Beautiful”

  1. Annafromindiana

    Another beautiful reflection to “chew on” — thank you!

  2. This is a beautiful quote. Thank you for sharing, Corey.💕

  3. Rosalina Garcia

    So beautiful. I often think, when I buy antiques, about the history of who had owned or created the item. Yes they seem to have a soul to them, I feel that’s what draws us to the item.

  4. lovely! sometimes we need those touches of beauty to make our day a better one.

  5. Ella Dyer

    Bonjour Corey,

    A beautiful quote indeed, thank you. It could also apply to us — although not man made — but as we who have the good fortune to age, perhaps we’re not more beautiful than those who are “new”, but maybe with our wisdom we’ve collected over the years, we’re more “lovely”.

  6. Cynthia Thompson

    Thank you for sharing that. Words of such insight and beauty. Blessings

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