Stop the Madness! I cannot remain silent.

Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom – and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech. Benjamin Franklin

For peace to truly take root, it requires a deep, shared commitment to nonviolence from everyone involved. The endless cycle of violence has scarred both Palestinians and Israelis, leaving lasting wounds on both sides. But the path forward can only begin when this cycle is broken. It’s about a cultural shift—a change in how we see each other. Instead of viewing one another as enemies, we must learn to see ourselves as partners in peace, united by the shared hope of a future where everyone can live with dignity, self-determination, and security. If only it was that simple… if only we could achieve this without violence, without 2000 pound bombs, without the growing hatred, penetrating the heart of those involved in bringing a peaceful closure.

Stand for what’s right. Make your life beautiful. Make your life meaningful. –Maxime Lagacé

President Trump, please retract what you are saying — that if all the hostages are not released by noon on Saturday, all hell will break loose on Gaza.

Peace will never be established this way.

I’m not a politician. Nor Palestinian nor Israélien, I am simply a person who will not standby silently and watch a terrifying war unfold day by day.


7 responses to “Stop the Madness! I cannot remain silent.”

  1. Anna McCurdy

    My dear Corey,
    Thank you for posting these pieces – your writings are powerful and reflective . I am so happy to be able to continue to see your photos and read your thoughts and stories.
    Love from a long time blog friend from Canada, Anna

  2. Teddee Grace

    You think he wants peace? You think he cares about the hostages? He wants to drive the Palestinians out…again…so he can create a resort destination of which he will be the primary owner. He is already tinkering with the Office of Government Ethics that is supposed to prevent financial conflicts of interest in the executive branch. And all of this right after meeting with Netanyahu. Nothing is beneath him.

  3. Beth Schultz

    Corey my heart aches as yours does for what is occurring. We resist, we protest and speak to injustice as often as necessary. The world especially now, is a strange and uncertain place but we must be steadfast in our desire for peace, justice and a return to rational, humane behavior.

  4. Let’s hope it is just chatter and bluffing, as is so often the case. Over the long-term the pendulum always swings toward the just and kind. Let’s pray that it is sooner than later.

    1. Yes, yes yes 100% yes

  5. Gail Dawson White

    America seems numb and deliberately aware of the president and his minions. Are we too exhausted to speak up and out as people are dragged from school, home, work and street to be deported as criminals are released with pardons? What has happened to our sense of justice, dignity and equality? America is on the edge of losing life lioberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    1. It certainly feels chaotic. As he loves attention in his face in the news, you know negative press is still press. I certainly hear and agree with your point.

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