There’s a softness underfoot, not just the ground, but something deeper, a sacred connection between my feet and the earth, as though it is holding me up, reminding that I don’t walk alone.

The earth’s ground twists and turns along the trees, each root and stone leading me – It’s as if every detail—the texture of the path, the coolness of the air, the rustle of the leaves in the trees—is an invitation to stay present, to truly experience the now.

The journey is not just about arriving, but about how each step, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, if I am open to it, shapes me, leads me deeper to the awareness of beauty and gentle healing.

The softest breeze, the lightest touch of moss, each one becomes part of me. And in that, there’s a subtle magic. It’s the grace of the world pulling me forward, step by delicate step, until I realize that arriving isn’t about the destination. It’s about the very act of being aware, of noticing the quiet miracles all around.

And maybe, that’s why I need my daily walk, this act of moving through life, of truly seeing, of embracing each small thing- of staying grounded by Mother Earth.

We, like the seeds that nestle into the soil, are a part of this greater cycle, rooted in the sacred rhythms of the Earth. The soil holds us, anchoring us to what is-

-the very heartbeat of this Earth, to remind us that we are not separate from the world around us.

My blog began nearly twenty years ago, rooted in my passion for brocante. Some of you have been following me for almost as long, while others are newer to this space. I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your support over the years. Thank you for following along, for listening to my stories, my wanderings, my cooking, my family moments, and, of course, my brocante adventures.
While many social media plateforms stick to writing about a single subject, some of us have used our blogs as a kind of personal journal. I am so thankful that you’ve been a part of mine—sharing in my day-to-day thoughts, experiences, and reflections. I truly appreciate your feedback, your presence, and the connections we’ve made here.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me.
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