Category: My Friend Annie
Happy Tears with a Taste of Salt
` Photos and text by Corey Amaro Happy. The end of the school year. The end of an era. Sacha graduates soon.Since age four, Fabrice, Sacha's best friend, will go to school in Cannes. These are the last days of…
Annie, and The Fact of Life
Annie and I drank tea. She asked me what was new since I saw her last.I told her that Chelsea had come home for the weekend, that our roof was repaired, that Ladelle had arrived home safely, and that my…
How to do the Quickstep and be ready for Tomorrow
Text by Corey Amaro Holding a large box of cherries, I knocked on Annie's door, then walked in. When I saw Annie, I knew something was wrong; her usual happy-go-lucky face was not what greeted me. Annie said she felt…