Category: Olivia and Gabriel
A Day of Newness
Early in the morning soon after Baby Gabriel breastfed I took him for a walk in his stroller to give Chelsea a needed few hours of rest. As soon as I stepped outside my senses turned towards imagining…
Love is …
One of you wrote in regard to having children: "You love your child, you fall in love with grandchildren" Oh how true. I am head over in heels falling in love deeper and deeper I go. Gabriel three weeks.…
Drinking in Life
Holding you in my arms the clock ticks Nights days blend into a motionless dance sung by church bells, the nightingale, the owl, the lark a stream of sunlight moves slowly across the floor. Sacredness interlaces us in a…
Happiness Overload
Antiquing. Baby. Antiquing. Baby. Plus Yann, Chelsea, Sacha (who arrives in a few days for a month), and Martin not in that order as there isn’t a list of who is first just a full heart…