Category: Olivia and Gabriel
Nearly Five Months
Chelsea sent me this selfie from inside an elevator after work. Nearly five months, she has passed the halfway mark. Hello Little Grandson.
A Boy or a Girl
Before I tell you whether Chelsea and Martin are going to have a boy or a girl I must say that I loved the comments from all of you kindred spirits! I love being part of…
The Baby to Be
How to show your mom's blog friends that you are nearly five months along? After work, in the elevator, lift up your sweater, take a selfie. On the 7th Chelsea and Martin will find out the gender of the…
Trying to Pretend They are a Rembrandt Painting
Sacha, his childhood friend and like a son Fabrice, his girlfriend Emily, Chelsea and Martin. With Yann as the photo painter trying to be a Rembrandt painting.
Feeling the Earth Move Under my Feet
The moment the four of us gathered (Martin comes tomorrow and the baby in June) it was as if not a second had passed, everything seemed familiar, in place, natural and good. We talked way past breakfast and…
My Addiction Starts with a B
I am in full baby mode now that Chelsea is four months pregnant. My train was an hour wait. Instead of reading, or having lunch I found myself walking towards the baby boutique to indulge in the inevitable baby…