Category: Olivia and Gabriel
Countdown to Babyhood
Countdown to babyhood, the dumpling that will arrive any time in the next two weeks. I do not know how I feel as it seems a bit surreal that is until I see Chelsea's growing belly. Chelsea has been…
Babies are Sugar Lumps
There is something about a baby… their baby smell, their little hands, their plump ruby lips, pinchable cheeks, silk ribbon tied wrists, their little bald heads… Babies I am sorry to say I could swallow them whole like…
Eight Months -Soon To Be
Soon Chelsea will be a mother and Martin a father. Their baby is loved. Do you want to play a game? Guess: The birth date? The sex of the baby? The name? The weight? Will the…
Going on Six Months
Oh, that girl and her funny faces. When I was pregnant French Husband asked me if I could not make funny faces as he did not want our children to make them… I laughed, "Really you think I can just…
Nearly Five Months
Chelsea sent me this selfie from inside an elevator after work. Nearly five months, she has passed the halfway mark. Hello Little Grandson.
A Boy or a Girl
Before I tell you whether Chelsea and Martin are going to have a boy or a girl I must say that I loved the comments from all of you kindred spirits! I love being part of…