Category: Living in France
When I First Moved to France
When I first arrived in France, I thought French sounded like a bird song. After a week, it sounded like an orchestra, and I went into silent mode. Observation was highlighted, and I was overwhelmed. I was utterly lost after a…
The Moving Van is Coming
And that is how it will be from this day forth. The moving van from Paris will arrive tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. to deliver Chelsea’s family’s belongings. Most of their belonging will stay in storage. We managed to clean…
The Beginning of a New Home
Martin longed for his job to be transferred to Marseille, and his goal was finally achieved this year. Chelsea and Martin started looking for a home in the south of France. I asked them what was on their dream list…
Correction to Yesterday’s Post
This is Olivia’s yogurt cake. Moist and delicious lemon vanilla. A yogurt cake is easy to make, and fool proof. Ask Olivia how many tastes she had. Gabriel made the second yogurt cake. He packed his flour, added olive oil…
The Best Well Know Cake in France
My niece Juliette was fourteen when she shared the French’s most treasured secret cake recipe with me. She asked me if I had some yogurt. Looking at her oddly, I wondered if we were making a classic French cake or…
Paris by Night
A few photos of Paris from over the years, and yet they could be from a hundred years ago, thirty years ago, or from yesterday. Paris’s heartbeat rarely changes except for the clothes people wear, additions to new creations such…