Category: Living in France
Friend: How do you keep your house so clean? Me: By creating an obstacle illusion. Friend: I can see that this is not an obstacle illusion. It is spotless. Me: Seeing is believing, but touching is not. Friend: You must…
An Empty Nest is All Aflutter
Chelsea left home at 17 to go to University, and Sacha left home to have a gap year right after high school graduation. The house was uncomfortably quiet. The milk carton in the fridge was full, the toilet paper roll was…
A Day in Provence
Cassis Back Streets. Cassis is a vibrant town with an active local habitants. Do you know that most the restaurants are own and worked by locals? Poppies are the first Provencal flower to bloom, usually in May and sparingly in…
Objects That Speak
The items we hold on to may not always be the most valuable, but they hold a special place in our hearts. I have my dad’s old tee shirt, my children’s baby teeth, a holy water font from my grandparents’…
The Name Game
First, I must say I collect seashells. Secondly, my daughter’s prenom-first name is, “CHELSEA.” My Father-in-law, a man of very few words, let alone English ones, said to me at her birth: “Chelsea is, “Sea-Shell, backwards, non?” The French pronounce CH…
On the Way to Cassis
The car windows are down, inviting nature to come inside. My hair wildly dances in the wind every which way, tangling with the scent of pine, thyme, and hints of rosemary. Like guardians of the road to Cassis, the parasol…