Category: Living in France
Living Life Thankfully
A few days ago Sacha (14) popped a wheelie on his bike and flipped over, landing flat on his back on the sidewalk. Our neighbors saw it happen, Raba ran to Sacha, and told Sacha not to move, his wife…
Hanging Clothes 101
French Style, daily art! My Mother would never hang her clothes like this! Her clothes are hung in order and with precision. The underwear and bras…
Frenchmen with Class
Before the church bells strike eight, three men with arms the size that Popeye would envy, have been coming to our home, to work in our garden. They are creating…
Coco without Chanel
I am spontaneous, I cut my own hair. As my brother Mathew said yesterday, in…
The touch, the tender moment when all stands still, the moment we know that life is not just here and now, when the invisible force of mystery walks…
Sounds of Friendship
My friend Kristi and I at the sidewalk cafe in her French village, talking about our lives in France, sipping coffee, tasting each others cakes, peels of laughter, oh la las about French husbands, and you know… girl talk-he-said-she-said-I-said… Everyday…