Category: Living in France
Big Hunk
Photos of antique candy boxes by Corey Amaro. A French nineteen-century fabric-covered candy box. A blue-grey paper candy box with gold lettering. Chocolate-covered chestnuts from Ardeche, an antique candy box without any chocolates. I prefer that way when it comes…
Bedsheet Carrying Dreams
My husband's great-grandmother handcrafted the linen sheet on our bed, now worn soft with time. The top part of the sheet has intricate lace added to it, a testament to her countless hours of handiwork. Through the lace, I saw…
Bastille Celebration in Cassis
photo via Martin We told Gabriel about the fireworks. When the evening grew darker and darker, the fireworks would begin, booming loudly and shining bright like thousands of stars in the sky. He tried to stay awake, but neither the…
Memories I Want to Keep of Gabriel
Gabriel had something important to tell me, and just like that, he started to speak English. Becoming bilingual is not as easy as one would think, and it certainly comes in many forms. Some people are born into a bilingual…
Fete de la Musique in France, Let’s Dance
This evening in France, all over France, in every village, town, and city, is the Fete de la Musique—a celebration to herald the beginning of summer that started in 1982. Anyone anywhere is encouraged to play, sing or listen to…
Burning Passion, What Lights Your Fire?
Catching the light holding it reflecting a fire flames burn crystal clear you have rendered me speechless, causing my heart to sing.