Category: Living in France
Uncle Sacha Shows Gabriel the Family Drug
They rode into the dark. Sacha’s fifteen year old self was jealous. How he dreamed of having such a track rather than the 30 minute drive we often took to get to the nearest one. Sacha’s 33 year old self…
Christmas Colors
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” – Hamilton Wright Mabie The Christmas lights in our village float across the main street, along with the church’s facade and around the baker’s window. The…
What Color is Your Wool?
More than an agricultural method, transhumance is a cultural tradition that reflects the pastoral heritage of the Provencal way of life. Walking in the countryside, up the road to Saint Baume, I heard them before I saw them. They came…
French Christmas Cake, a Buche de Noel
Photo Via Buche de Noel A Story from 1988, when I first arrived in France: “Buche de Noel is my favorite cake!” Bright-eyed and hopeful, my French Husband, the newlywed, eagerly responded. The flavor was a known fact: Spread…