Category: Movable Feast
How to Make Rose Jam
How to make Rose Jam, photos and text by Corey Amaro Cutting the red roses was not an easy task. Their fullness, ripe and fragrant, climbing up, circling my son's bedroom window, gave an air of romance, made me dreamy,…
Tea, Apples, Cinnamon, Brocante, Baked for Friendship
Stacked tea cups waited on the kitchen table as I prepared the tea. Mariage and Freres "Trois Noix", black tea perfumed with almond, hazelnut and walnut. Such a match for an apple cinnamon tart. Yes, I live in France where…
Three Peppers Savory Crunch, Afternoon Delight in Provence
Three Peppers Savory Crunch, perfect beginning to lunch. Grill lightly slices of a baguette. Bite size saves on washes up. Saute chopped yellow, red, green and why not orange, if you have it, peppers. With a pour of olive…
Pop Over Pancake to the Rescue
Yesterday morning, I was longing for some Americana in my adoptive homeland. I wanted my mom, and family, I wanted to compare my long hair with my nieces, I wanted to be home in Willows. Anniversaries are for sharing.…
When Visiting Provence… and the winners of Yesterday’s Guessing Game
Provence rocky soil, blue sky, Mediterranean coastline, tiled roof tops, wild country side… Each region of France has its key elements, its personality, its style. Provence can be described in color: Yellow, blue, burnt orange… Described by taste: Garlic, olive,…
Pasta with Asparagus
At the market, fresh asparagus wrapped in a moist towel were resting a wooden crate. I asked the vendor why he had wrapped the asparagus in a moist towel? "Freshly cut so tender you need not cook them." he…