Category: Movable Feast
Where to Have Chocolate in Paris
Chocolate, in France they say, "Chocolat", drop the e, and say, "SHOW CO LA" which I like to think as a short cut in hip hop talk for, "Show the Chocolate!" (Photo of a French antique…
When in the Alps Have Yourself some Raclette
Before I could say, "Wait I'll do that…" my Mother in Law stood up on the chair and pulled out the raclette machine from the kitchen cupboard. With the raclette machine cradled in her arms, I noticed it was…
Saturday Art Saves: The Art of Hot Chocolate
Photo Source Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire…
Fertile Ground Ahead
A New Year. Last night around the dinner table, full of friends and family, we were happy. We laughed, ate, drank, shared stories, welcoming the New Year in together. I sat next to our friend who many of you…
Bread and Butter Prayer
Winter morning light, poured in through the kitchen window illuminating the breakfast table. Like a prayer, unspoken but heard. The objects took on meaning, Silently singing straight to my soul. Your bread and butter is here, right here.…
The Trick to Creating a Christmas Meal When You Have a Cold
So there I was yesterday morning, standing in the kitchen with a running faucet called my nose, and watering eyes without have peeled a single onion. I knew that if I tried to cook the Christmas lunch under these…