Category: Movable Feast
Soup Recipes and a Winner
An instant Soup Cookbook appeared on my blog. Why go buy a cookbook when you can have instant favorite recipes faster than you can sip your soup? Amazing! Did you read the many soup recipes in yesterday's comment section? If…
Tell Me your Favorite Soup Recipe and you might win a Silver Soup Ladle
Photo: Hot soup tureen awaits the chestnut soup. Chestnut Soup In a large heavy soup pan, saute in olive oil a chopped large strong yellow onion, a three…
Eat Less Move More Six Weeks
Six weeks of being mindful, eating less, moving more, I have lost nearly ten pounds. 9.5!!!!!! New shoes, New glasses… That I am doubtful about, A new me. 138 pounds Ten more to go. Slowly and steadyfully. And you?
The Joy of the Everyday Routine.
Setting the table has been something I enjoy doing since I was a little girl. The fork on the left, the knife to the right with its cutting part of the blade towards the plate. As I place…
Eat Less Move More
How is it going? For me, eating less is not hard to do, its a piece of cake… though I could move more, but that is rarely my first choice. Actually never my first choice unless it has to…
Eat Less, Move More… Chocolate is the answer
I have good news…. I lost one whole pound! At last. (photos of Morocco from my travels a few years ago.) Last week was the end of Ramadan, a religious muslim tradition of fasting for thirty days. …