Category: Movable Feast
I am Going on A Diet.
(Artwork by Catherine) I've started a diet. I am already hungry, and not just a little bit… I could eat a cow, and I do not eat meat you know. My friend Mimi said, "You are no fun on a…
Diving on the Tea Table in High Fashion
Exactly at four in the afternoon, tea was set on a cloth covered table, an abundant bouquet of flowers was placed in the center, and around it teacups and saucers, spoons, sugar and cream. "Tea" was provided by friends who…
Leek Potato Curry Soup
Three leeks sliced into halos, Four potatoes in their red jackets diced, One long narrow sliced orange carrot to add color, Put the halos and red jackets into a pan barely cover with water. Bring to a boil,Then lower…
French Bread and Cheese, a Love Story
Photos and text by: Corey Amaro FRENCH BREAD. The endless world of Baguettes…. After twenty some years in France ONE would think I could walk into a bakery and not drool on myself. At the market a woman walked by carrying…
How to do the French Cafes without Looking like a Tourist
French cafe, morning: Walk straight to the counter, when the bartender looks at you, nod your head, point your pointer finger up, and at the same time mouth whisper, "Espresso please". Grab a croissant off the platter, pinch off a…
French Bread and Tomato Salad
How to make French bread and tomato salad. In the land of baguettes, where a bakery is on every corner, and bread is baked in a wood oven once and sometimes twice a day, where buying a baguette daily…