Category: Movable Feast
Are You a Peach, Pear, or Plum?
Yesterday, Annie, Ladelle and I went to pick fruit amongst the many fruit trees at an abandon house. Sadly, most of the fruit had already gone bad and fallen on the ground. Annie remarked that is was a pity,…
Green Beans on a Rainy Sunday Morning
Sunday morning, stringing green beans around the kitchen table. The simple act of being together, talking about nothing, sitting in our P.J.s, stringing green beans from the local market, and preparing lunch while still having breakfast. That is…
Garlic: Provencal Perfume of Perfection
Our Canadian blogging friends Denise and Vlad's feet had barely touched French soil, when they called us to come over and have lunch with them. French Husband and I didn't waste anytime and dashed over to their place in…
A New Twist to a Lemonade Stand
On a scorching summer day, water, ice cold water smooths the dry spot. My mother who disapproves of soda pop and bottled water, has a way with serving ice cold water to the many grandchildren that gather at her…
Summer Garden Party
Swinging in a hammock after the sun goes down. Barefoot, cool breeze, with bits of conversation floating by, while napping. Summer bliss. Ribbons, stacked neatly in a box, waiting, as my cousin Judy encouraged her company to…
Red White and Blueberry
Blueberry Pie, Fresh whipped cream with a swirl of strawberry. Freedom is having a choice. I'll have one of everything please. Happy Fourth of July! May our choices bring us a happiness we can share. Open-Faced…