Category: Movable Feast
Place des Lices, Rennes
The market in Rennes is every Saturday morning until midday. Located in the town center at the Place des Lices. The market has fruits, vegtables, dairy, eggs, an entire hall for cheese, another for meat and poultry, a…
Born French
For lunch my Belle-Mere served herring marinated in thyme, and potatoes in a mustard sauce on the side. Yes, food again. What else does one do when visiting family in France? Let me tell you it is…
French Cooking and my Belle Mere
This Little Piglet went to her Belle Mere's (Mother in Law's) house. Her Oink-Husband cautioned, "We gotta control ourselves." This Little Piglet saw that her Oink-Husband did not heed to his own advice…she couldn't help but to follow suit.…
Dinner with Friends
My friend Francoise lives in an old stone house in a small French village, with her husband, two children, and a cat. Francoise has a studio where she teaches pottery and sculpting. We arrived on a rainy day, the grey…
After a Long Hard Day of Shopping
This is what I have to put up with after the soldes (sales). Desserts. Lots of them. So sad, so hard. Such choices one has to face. Life is difficult in Rennes. I don't know how I do it.…
French Food Talk
In France there is a great deal of talk about food. Simply food. Everyday food. Food food. There isn't a day that goes by that the topic of food doesn't come up. Food, unlike politics or religion is a safe…