Category: Movable Feast
The Market Bag
The other day at the open market I came across these darling, plastic, reusable bags. I do not know if it is the same where you live, but here in the south of France when you go to the grocery,…
Sock it to me
Do you see that inox circle flushed on the kitchen counter? That is my new best friend.You see I did not want to have electrical sockets above the back splash, and there wasn't a place to put electrical sockets underneath…
Al Dente Pasta with Asparagus, made by an American, who lives close to the Italian Border
Asparagus, that elegant vegetable. The other night as I was preparing to make the first dinner in our new kitchen, I asked my family if they had a preference for the first meal. But before I could barely finish my…
The Happy Kitchen
The Kitchen is in working order. Though I need to paint it. So until I finish painting it here is a taste of our new cabinets. I am so in love with our new kitchen that last night I woke…
Tiramisu Shots
Tiramisu. Is the epitome of French husband's most often used expression, "It tastes like baby Jesus in velvet shorts." A tasteful sacrilege, is it not? Yesterday, was Mother's Day in France. It is one of the best things to be…
French Cooking Lesson with a Full House, yet without a Kitchen to Spit in
Photos and text by: Corey Amaro My daughter Chelsea's friend "V" was coming to visit her. She lives in the east of France, but went to school in Canada this last year. We looked forward to seeing her again.Then Chelsea…