Category: Movable Feast
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! THANK YOU FOR YOUR DELICIOUS COMMENTS YESTERDAY. NO TOFU FOR US, we will have all the trimmings instead: A vegetarian, chestnut, mushroom and apricot stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with Grand Marnier, also a pumpkin, black…
Vegetables Cozy up to Goat Cheese
Vegetables with a goat cheese sauce. Let me tell you how cozy the two can be together. In the shape of the moon cut…
French Baguette, Wonder Bread & the new Staple at our house…a MAC
The French bakery around the corner– fresh baguette on rough hemp ready to bake in the wood burning oven. Doesn't it sound so very romantic, French and long ago… ah, when I was a kid it was– Wonder (White sliced) Bread…
On Top of the World
The top of the world is- In the middle of a traffic jam and running late to pick up my son. In the grocery store, cart full, money in pocket, car outside, home to go to. The top of…
Good bye Pancakes
Goodbye pancakes with melted butter & maple syrup…. Bonjour crepes au citron et sucre. I'll write more as soon as I unpack, walk around my house, kiss French Husband a few hundred times, listen to Chelsea's tale of love, smell the…
The Truth about an Apple Day
Walk up to an apple tree & introduce yourself by giving it a hug. Ask it if you might climb up into its branches. Find a comfortable spot deep within the foliage where you can nest for ten or fifteen…